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Ingrown Pubic Hairs: Definition, Prevention & Treatment

Ingrown Pubic Hairs: Definition, Prevention & Treatment

Ingrown pubic hair occurs when the minge grows under the skin instead of growing through it. It is majorly common in the bikini zone and as the hair, there is much thicker, there is an increased chance of it growing back into the skin.

Therefore, people with thick and curly manes are more susceptible to ingrown hairs than people with fine, thin ones. This is because the tip of a thick hair has a sharper tip than regular fine ones and this makes it easier for it to pierce through the skin and grow there. It is more likely to happen when pubic hair has been shaved, waxed, or plucked.

ingrown pubic hairs

Ingrown minge is one of the most common problems a woman can experience. Normally, although it can be painful and hard to get rid of as it causes pain or itching around the area, it is harmless. When an ingrown minge develops, you may notice small, round bumps called papules, and on the occasion that they get infected, the bump will grow and become filled with pus.

What causes ingrown pubic hairs?

When hair is removed, it usually grows back. Normally, hair shafts would grow up the skin without any complications arising but there are some that would grow under the skin. When this happens, the body would react to it and the area would swell, itch or ache. This can make wearing clothing items like bikinis difficult.

How can you prevent ingrown pubic hair?

To prevent this from happening, it is important to know how to shave properly so as to avoid redness, razor burn, and bumps. Razors make the edges of hair sharper and this makes it easier for it to pierce the skin.

If you want to shave with a razor, it is advisable to use a single-bladed razor. Constantly replace your razor also as dull blades do not make clean and precise cuts and this can increase your chances for ingrown minge.

Also, prepare the pubic area adequately for shaving. This can be done by first washing the skin with soap and then applying a shaving cream

If you prefer waxing, it is important to put some things in place before doing it. Exfoliating the area you would want to get waxed for instance is very important. You would also do well to properly moisturize your skin. With waxing, expertise is needed so it is essential that you only patronize a reputable salon.

Laser hair removal

A more expensive option would be laser hair removal. As it involves damaging the hair follicle and preventing it from growing back, it can be said to be a long-lasting solution to ingrown minge.

There are also removal options that don’t involve shaving. It involves the use of chemicals but care has to be taken. These chemicals can irritate the skin and cause potential damage. It is advisable to try it out on a small patch of skin before using it on your pubic area.

Also, apart from shaving or getting rid of your pubic hair the correct way, taking proper care of your skin would also help. This can be done by:

  • Exfoliating regularly: This would get rid of the dead skin cells and help to keep the hair pointing upwards so there would be no chance of it piercing the skin and growing inwards. This should be done at least once a week.
  • Moisturizing frequently: It is important to use a lotion after taking a bath. This way, the skin remains very soft and supple and it makes it harder for the hair to penetrate. Drinking water regularly would also help.

How are ingrown pubic hairs treated?

More often than not, ingrown minge clears up on its own without any form of treatment. If however, it keeps growing under the skin, you can try any of the following:

  • Stop shaving - Continuing to shave would make things worse so it is advisable to leave the area till it becomes less sensitive.
  • Rub a warm washcloth over the area
  • Use tweezers to gently remove the hair when it starts to come out
  • Exfoliate to get rid of the dead cells
  • If there is swelling, you can apply a steroid cream to reduce it

Treatment for infection

If the ingrown minge gets infected, it can result in a painful boil that will be filled with pus. When this happens, it is advisable to see a doctor. Antibiotics drugs or ointments may be prescribed to relieve your pain and take care of the infection.

What treatments can you try at home?

To treat ingrown minge at home, you can try one of the following

  • Mix tree oil with water and apply it to the affected area. The tree oil would kill any bacteria present in the area and reduce swelling.
  • Sugar can also be used as it is a natural exfoliator. You can mix it with either olive oil or honey to moisturize the skin and also help kill bacteria. The paste should be applied in a circular motion and then rinsed with water.
  • Baking soda is useful also as it helps to exfoliate and reduce inflammation in the skin. One tablespoon of water should be mixed with a cup of water and then applied. After a while, you can rinse off with cold water.

What should you avoid doing if you have ingrown pubic hairs?

If you have ingrown minge, you should try not to pull at it as this can worsen the condition and if it wasn’t infected originally, it could cause an infection. Also, you should not try to burst open the boil as it can result in a scar when it eventually heals.

When to see your doctor

An occasional ingrown minge situation is nothing to be worried about. You can just follow the instructions given above to deal with it. However, in the likelihood that it becomes infected, you can see your doctor.

If you have too much pubic hair also, your doctor can help you find a solution for it.

Ingrown pubic hair occurs when the minge grows under the skin instead of growing through it. It is majorly common in the bikini zone and as the hair, there is much thicker, there is an increased chance of it growing back into the skin.

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